
Monday, February 28, 2005

G.R.E. aftermath..

Took the G.R.E. Saturday, as planned. It was friggin' hard -- kicked my big 'ol arse into another country, I swear! But I ended up scoring above my target and did pretty decently (I seriously do not know HOW) so I was pretty happy.

Spent Saturday after the exam with Damy, Hoho, Damy's cousins and Lyn. We hit up The Hat, played CS (*yippee* that was fun!), and hit up Santa Anita mall. I spent some time with the fam, (Annie made me funnel cake, yummie!), and then the Fab Four went to dinner in MPK. *double yummie*

Sunday I spent most of the day with HoHo and Jason shopping for my workshops this Saturday. Met up with Damy for dinner and then we headed back to his house for a marathon home-movie session. SO MUCH FUN. :)

This week is a bit of a stretch -- Two days of a midterm, group project due next Wednesday, paying off rent and bills, and my workshops on Saturday. If anyone has any Hinamatsuri stuff that I can borrow for display purposes, I'd be very grateful :)

How was your weekend?


At 7:47 PM, Blogger Midori said...

i am so here


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