
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Time for tests...

The test of my profession -- I start my student teaching tomorrow. I'm nervous, naturally. But also excited. Hopeful. Anxious. I really hope that this turns out to be one of the best year's of my life. I pray that I will learn, grow, and become a better person, and most importantly, a better teacher as a result of what promises to be a very difficult and long semester. I hope that I have the confidence and skill to get through it with grace.

The test of our family's strength -- My dad is getting not so good vibes from work. Looks like we'll be facing, as a family, a loss in income, as my daddy may be asked to step down in his position. I'm just bracing myself for a difficult few months.

...And I'm sure that, as always, God will provide many more tests of my strength and my faith. And I just hope that I can handle it all.


At 6:32 PM, Blogger ho ho said...

He tests you only because He knows you can handle it.


You'll be great. I know it.


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