
Friday, August 19, 2005

Summer In Review...

My last 10 days of freedom seemed to melt away all too quickly, but now that I think about it, my summer has been quite eventful. After all, I graduated, went on my week-long cruise to Mexico (fun!), started and completed my first semester of grad school (and still have a 4.0 average!) :), got a dog, moved back home, spent some time with friends (high school and college), ALMOST completely moved into my room (this is definitely still a work in progress), read a couple of books, made a couple of crafts, and finished quite a bit at work....etc. etc.

It's so funny the way that sometimes I feel life just moves too quickly for me to enjoy it, and yet when I really sit down and look back, I really have accomplished quite a bit.

Fall is starting to look really daunting...I didn't know until Steven told me yesterday that full time grad student is considered 8 units? So it's funny to me that I'm taking 5 classes -___- *gah* My daddy keeps telling me to hang in there, it'll all be over soon. And I know he's right, I'm just nervous. Plus I've really been enjoying what carefree days I've had, and I've enjoyed them too much to really want to let them go.

Two more days left, people...let me know if you want to hang out! =D


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