
Monday, May 02, 2005

Yes, another post...

can you blame me? It's finals week. I need SOMETHING to keep me occupied. :P

So a few weeks ago Serena brought up the Senior Fountain Run and was like, totally shocked that I didn't know what she was talking about. Apparently I was the only senior at USC who didn't know about this "tradition." So I thought she was crazy. But then last week Beatriz forward-ed (that has GOT to become a verb sometime in this next decade) an email to me that described what Serena had told me about -- Thursday, April 28 being the last week of class, was the night set for the Senior Fountain Run. Basically a bunch of USC seniors getting together at 11pm, running from one fountain to another (USC has something like 25 fountains on campus), diving in and taking a shot at each one.

Thursday night rolled around and I gave in and went with Serena and Charity to see what this fountain run was all about. I figured it'd be maybe 20 crazy drunk people splashing around in the fountains making fools of themselves. But when we got to campus with our "bobalua" I was super shocked to see not 20, but more like 200 people crowding around the Finger Fountain and drunk as hell. DPS cars were everywhere and followed us around almost the entire night (although never actually intruding), and seniors were running around campus EVERYWHERE seriously taking DIVES into these fountains (which I will never see quite the same way again, after actually standing in them). Some of these people were super prepared, too -- wetsuits and bikinis and even this dude with an innertube :)

Anyway, needless to say I had a really good time -- it's about time I let loose a little with some friends and this is definitely something I will remember from Senior Year. :) Sorry I wasn't more trusting of you, Serena, I stand corrected :)

Senior Fountain Run 2005 pictures
and a video clip for those multimedia people :)


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